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ELOS Publishing 2015

Thank you TELOS for making dreams come true...

January 2015 Linda, webmaster

When I announced in November 2014 that all seven Catherine novels are to be re-published in English by TELOS Publishing, I confess to you that I already had in mind to choose 'Telos' as the next Winner of the 'Gold Trophy'!  They are making a dream come true, not just for myself but for the countless readers who have never had the chance to enjoy the seventh book 'La Dame de Montsalvy' in English.

In case some of you have not read the announcement in November, here it is one more time:

When Telos Publishing contacted me in January 2014 with their hopes, nobody in the world could be happier than myself that at long last an English publisher wanted to bring all seven of the Catherine de Montsalvy novels to a fresh audience. For six years I had written letters worldwide, begging for that seventh novel La Dame de Montsalvy to be published in English – and out of the blue came an email from Telos. Juliette was absolutely delighted, of course, and set me the task of being her "go-between" until the contract was signed. I am so thrilled to tell you all that Telos are working on new translations so that the full French texts will be in their new English editions in both print and e-book formats.

On 31 March 2015 the first of the Saga « Catherine : One Love is enough » will be available to buy from Telos and it can already be pre-ordered. It is time to say thank you to TELOS Publishing for bringing Catherine in English  back to Readers, the old generation and the younger generation!   










So it is with utmost pleasure that I give the 'Catherine de Montsalvy' GOLD TROPHY to Telos publishing. It is only a « symbolic » AWARD, I know, but they will know how much I appreciated it that they have after more than forty years starting to re-issue the Catherine Novels. 

Telos deserve  their place in the Hall of Fame on the Catherine site, and will be in the excellent company of the author Juliette Benzoni and Marion Sarraut the director of the Television Series Catherine, Il suffit d'un amour and some of their former Stars.


Linda Compagnoni Walther, webmaster

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