January 2015
Linda, webmaster
In case some of you have not read the announcement in
November, here it is one more time:
When Telos Publishing contacted me in
January 2014 with their hopes, nobody in the world could
be happier than myself that at long last an English
publisher wanted to bring all seven of the Catherine de
Montsalvy novels to a fresh audience. For six years I
had written letters worldwide, begging for that seventh
novel La Dame de Montsalvy to be published in English –
and out of the blue came an email from Telos. Juliette
was absolutely delighted, of course, and set me the task
of being her "go-between" until the contract was signed.
I am so thrilled to tell you all that Telos are working
on new translations so that the full French texts will
be in their new English editions in both print and e-book
On 31 March 2015 the first of the Saga « Catherine :
One Love is enough » will be available to buy from
Telos and it can already be pre-ordered. It is time to
say thank you to TELOS Publishing for bringing Catherine
in English back to Readers, the old generation and
the younger generation!
Linda Compagnoni Walther, webmaster |