« Magic Box »

So far the page THÉÂTRE had only the names of the plays our dear Claudine had performed. I had in vain searched for photos or facts. I am thrilled to present you now the material Claudine has generously offered to us. Thank you dear Claudine, for these fantastic photos of your career at the Theatre.

Linda, webmistress Novembre 2011



by H. de Montherlant

Théâtre de la Madeleine

directed by :
Raymond Gérôme

role :
 « Sister  Gabrielle »

with :
Claudine Ancelot
Jean Desailly
Simone Valère

and many more...



the 1660s, the Jansenists took Christianity "too seriously" and did not like the "half-Christian," as one of the nuns. Among them is Sister
Angelique de St. Jean, former mistress of novices, admired by the very young Sister Françoise who seeks solace with her when some nuns want to betray her. Because she has decided to submit to religious and temporal, present and future, Sister Flavie denounced and banned her future, Angelique knows the hard fate that awaits recluse.
Is it possible to be under "the wings of power" and not "under the wings of Christ," can we recharge his faith in mysticism that we live it? This "virtually interior work" raises many more questions yet, but includes touching episodes showing the ladies of Port Royal "dependent of the century." At the time of leaving, Sister Angelique says goodbye to her sister
Françoise who promises to remain faithful: "You are never alone when you have faith." Sister Angelique concludes: "The night will pass and the truth of God will remain."



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