« Magic Box »

So far the page THÉÂTRE had only the names of the plays our dear Claudine had performed. I had in vain searched for photos or facts. I am thrilled to present you now the material Claudine has generously offered to us. Thank you dear Claudine, for these fantastic photos of your career at the Theatre.

Mistral/Linda webmistress Novembre 2011


The Cherry Orchard

by Anton CHEKHOV

Théâtre de la Madeleine

directed by : Jacques Rosny

Claudine Ancelot in the role of :
 « Varia »

Claudine Ancelot & Claude Giraud
 (Philippe de Plessis-Bellière dans Angélique)

with :

Claudine Ancelot
Claude Giraud
Jean Desailly
Simone Valère
Isabelle Carré
and many more...






the late nineteenth century,
in the month of May in Russia, the property was inherited by  Lyubov Andreyevna, who had just returned from Paris after five years of absence. With his brother and some friends and family, it contemplates the delicate cherry blossoms of the many property waving gently in the breeze, thinking of the past. Nothing seems to have changed since the golden age of his childhood. Yet nothing is as before.

has squandered his inheritance in favor of a French lover and the property does not report as much income as at the time of his parents. Blinded by nostalgia, the brother and sister, yet refuse to adapt their beloved cherry orchard to the new constraints,
emerging of the modern Russia .



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