Linda (Mistral)
Can I believe myself, that exactly four
months ago, after we had met our most
favourite author Juliette Benzoni the
first time - I am writing a new report? That
my dear friend of the French Juliette
Benzoni Website, Frédérique and me, were
invited to travel to Saint-Mandé last Sunday
February 28th 2010 anew? The dream
which began for Frédérique and Mistral last
October, continues! As I had informed all of
you faithful "Juliette Benzoni" readers, it
was already in plan that we should go to our
dearest friend Juliette soon again.
Juliette Benzoni had just finished her
newest book
La Dague au Lys Rouge, which
will be published on May 2010. When she
called my friend and informed her of this
exciting news. Inviting us at the same time,
to come to Saint-Mandé, which we more
than happily agreed to do as soon as
possible. For weeks, we had been dreaming of
that astonishing moment, when we should
again ring that bell in front of the gate in
Saint-Mandé. Nothing could stop us - but the
"force of nature" almost upset our plans to
travel in the direction of Paris last
Sunday! We admit, the wind and the rain and
the cold was scary... but then... with the
help of the wind... we could travel even
faster to arrive at Juliette and her
daughter Anne's home!
We entered the house and... it was as if not
four months had gone by, since we last sat
in that beautiful living room with the large
windows. With Oliver the golden retriever,
who seemed to recognize us and wagged its
tail joyfully. We were received like nieces,
who come to see their absolutely most
beloved aunt. With the now already obligate
Champagne and delicious little
nibbling, our newest unforgettable dreamlike
afternoon began. We sat relaxed in the
beautiful and comfortable divan,
gazing at our friends, we had not seen since
last October. This time we had prepared some
questions to ask Juliette. But honestly, did
we need them? You can take my word for it,
talking with this remarkable and wondrous
woman, it is not necessary. She is so
amazing in her profound knowledge of History
facts - of her books - of what is going on
in the world. Making a little joke about
George Clooney for example? Wanting to
know how we wanted our coffee? Never letting
us feel for one instant, how immense her
profound knowledge is of all she knows.
Having at times, a touched smile on her
beautiful face - when we got almost too
excited in our eagerness, to know so many
details. Be this in Frédérique's case about
all of Juliette's books (and it is my turn
to bow before JouJou, who has read now ALL
of Juliette's 75 books!!) or in my
case about our "Catherine de Montsalvy".
Like last time...we asked and were given
answers...all the while dear Anne,
spoiled us with a selected meal - coddling
us in every fashion. And I cannot wait to
taste next time the dessert from
in Paris! Who was to bring that dessert
again dear Frédérique ☺?
So then... what did Mistral want to
know urgently? For some time, I thought it
would be fun to know when Catherine
or Arnaud's birthday could have been!
Of course when I asked the question, I felt
for a tiny second, it might be silly what I
wished to know! But far from it... with her
eyes, all smiling so wonderfully, we learned
that the birthday of our heroine is on 27
October and that Arnaud de Montsalvy's,
on 3 September! And your webmistress
- let out a cry...or did I faint or just
stare open-mouthed? Why, you might ask? I
swear I would never tell the whole world,
when my birthday is... but ladies... my
birthday is on 3 September!! Our dear
Juliette smiled and said, she always chose
the date of her children for her heroes! I
promise you, on my next birthday I shall
toast to that "impossible, arrogant,
handsome" Arnaud de Montsalvy ♥ and just in
case... I always knew...that date was
One of my next questions I asked; who was
little Michel de Montsalvy’s
Godfather"? I have mentioned in the
that I presumed it was Jean de
Xaintrailles and I was correct. Was it
planed that there be right at the beginning
seven Catherine books? The answer is NO...
did Arnaud de Montsalvy return to
war? Ah...this is a question we all wanted
to know for how many years! We all know the
answer, do we not? He could not resist the
call of war... to join his friends
Xaintrailles and La Hire. His
love for war was stronger than his promise
to Catherine..! How could a man in full
possession again of his health, stay home in
the little village of Montsalvy?
Last October I had told you that I know now
how Arnaud de Montsalvy looked like
in Juliette Benzoni's mind! With the
exceptional permission of the author I can
lift the secret! May I present to you, whom
we can say thank you for having such a
dashing, unforgettable, valiant and proud
hero! Her husband Count André Benzoni!
It crossed my mind, that
for our next visit, you can send us your
questions and we will deliver them to
Juliette Benzoni. I cannot promise if they
will all be answered...but we can give it a
try ;-) I shall take the best questions with
The afternoon went by and already it was
getting dark outside. Like last time, we
decided we cannot tell all we learned! I am
sure Juliette would not mind...but what I
want to share with you, is a newer photo of
and a brand new press article about
show at Maxim's, giving to me by Juliette.
She is still very fond of the actors who
played her characters in Marion Sarraut's
TV-Adaptation’s and some of them are still
in touch with her, a fact that makes her
extremely happy.
To our great satisfaction, we learned that
Juliette Benzoni will soon be on television!
We shall inform you of the precise date of
the transmission. Frédérique was given a
preview of the two temporary book covers of
La Daque au Lys Rouge, Juliette
Benzoni's next book - plus a short summary
of the story. Can you believe the joy of
JouJou? Knowing so early what the story is
going to be about? What the names of the
main characters are going to be?
We would like to give
Juliette our heartfelt thank you, for
sharing all those news with us. Me, for the
unbelievable present I was given, for which
I am still overwhelmed after four days. I
have the very great honour, to be in
possession now, of the absolutely first
Catherine (Il suffit d'un amour book cover!
What can I say - I am still overwhelmed ! This
unique cover will be put into a frame and I
shall treasure it, like
Gollum (Lord of the Rings) his
precious! When I was given the book
cover, Juliette told us that this was not
her most favourite cover of Catherine
Simultaneous offering me her preferred
book of
Catherine, Il suffit d'un amour! Sharing
insider news, like the designer of
the 1968 book cover, was none other than the
same person, who painted for Juliette
Benzoni the magnificence
portrait of
Catherine de Montsalvy! The portrait
which has its place of honour in her house
in Saint-Mandé! Needless to say, that my
dear Juliette, presented me to my great
gratification with another beautiful
dedication with the 1968 edition.
Frédérique and I, with
mutual agreement like to share all these
terrific happenings with Juliette Benzoni's
fans all over the world. How could we be so
selfish and keep everything to ourselves?
Not telling Juliette Benzoni's faithful
readers, for example that already three
more books are planed? This signifies that
the next two years, our adored author is
very busy indeed!
The hours went by like the wind, which was
passing through Paris and the rest of
France. It was again time to say good-bye to
our dearest friends. We shall be welcomed
with open arms very soon again. We embraced
and waved good-bye and a piece of our hearts
stayed with Juliette and Anne.
3 March
Linda & Frédérique
« Les filles des grands chemins »
as Juliette and Anne call us

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