
The Proust Questions
by Juliette Benzoni
translated from French
by Frédérique -
Claudia - Linda
Les filles des grands chemins

Your favorite virtue
The cult of friendship
Your favorite qualities in a man?
The courage, the one of every day...
Your favourite qualities in a woman?
What do you appreciate the most in your
That they are my friends
Your main fault?
Your favourite hobby?
Your idea of happiness?
It has been a while since I've given up on
Your idea of a great misfortune?
It happened; I lost my son
What would you like to be?
Where would you like to live?
Nowhere else than in France
Your favourite flower?
Your favourite colour?
Your favourite bird?
I am afraid, I like them all
Your favourite prose authors?
From Alexandre Dumas to Eric-Emmanuel
Schmitt though Agatha Christie!
Your favourite poets?
Verlaine, Racine, Charles Dickens...ect
Your favourite heroes in fiction?
Cyranno de Bergerac and Hercule Poirot
Your favourite heroines in fiction?
The ones of my novels and Bécassine!
Your favourite composers?
Mozart, Chopin, Berlioz,Verdi...
Your favourite painters?
Monet, Goya, Turner, Boldini
Your heros in real life?
None left
Your heroines in World History?
Jeanne d'Arc
Your favourite names?
France, Aurore,Victoire and many more...
What do you hate the most
What do you dislike about yourself?
I'd rather not know
Your favourite food?
Toasted bread, butter, sausage and roasted
Which historic characters do you despise the
The treacherous ones
Which military event do you admire the most?
Desperate battles like the Tiberiade (in the
XII th century)
What reform do you like best?
Women's suffrage
Which talent would you like to have?
Callas voice
How do you want to die?
What's your present state of mind?
I'm tired
Which faults can you forgive?
gormandizing and pious lies
Your motto?
Do right and have well
A great wine?
If you were a politician who would you be?
But that is the whole point, I am not!
Have you noticed the apocryphal question?
No, should I?
recorded by Nathalie EROUKHMANOFF
8 June 2008
...and the link to Mistral's 12 Questions :

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translated from French by Frédérique -
Claudia - Linda
les filles des grands chemins
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