The Wolves of Lauzargues


Painting a vivid picture of a confused and colourful era, Juliette Benzoni, a flamboyant novelist, rediscovers the secret of Alexandre Dumas, the secret of violating history to create the most beautiful children.


Synopsis : Jean de la Nuit 1985 (Plon)

John of the Night

text translated by webmaster Linda

In the uncertain and troubled Paris of Charles X, a scandal broke out at the end of 1827. The banker Granier de Berny surprised his wife at a reception with gallant company and killed her before taking his own life. Wealth, fortune, beauty, all the fairies had bent over the cradle of Hortense, their only daughter, whose destiny now seemed shattered. The tragic end of her parents' lives is far from clarified when she is forced to travel to the dark château of her uncle, the Marquis de Lauzargues, in the Auvergne, to bury her youth. On the way to the château, from the depths of the forest, preceded by a pack of menacing wolves, emerges a tall, blue-eyed devil called Jean. Jean of the night, whose first glance pierces the heart of the orphan.

~ Juliette Benzoni completed this book in January 1985 at Saint-Mandé ~

« A Marion Saurraut avec beaucoup d'amitié » (To Marion Sarraut with a lot of friendship)

The first book of the triology Jean de la Nuit is dedicated to Marion Sarraut director of the TV-Series Marianne, Catherine, Le Gerfaut and la Florentine !
Synopsis : Hortense au point du jour 1985

Hortense at daybreak
text translated by webmaster Linda

Hortense de Lauzargues has fled her fathers' feudal home, which stands above the Auvergne forests still haunted by wolves. Behind her, she left an impossible love, born of the spells of these wild lands, that of Jean de la Nuit, the wolf leader.
We find her tried and tested, alone but determined to conquer her freedom, in the feverish atmosphere of Paris, where the elegant and frivolous parties at the Palais-Royal make us forget the absolutism reigning in that year of 1829. There she meets Félicia, her old friend now Countess Morosini, and sets out to help her save a brother who has been unjustly held incommunicado by the devious Vidocq. But will she herself, at the turning point of her life, discover the truth about the tragic death of her parents? And will she then have the courage to face Lauzargues one last time, the place where all her fears and desires are both blessed and cursed?

~ Juliette Benzoni completed this new Novel 1987 at Saint-Mandé ~

« A Catherine Jurguet, avec tout autant d'affection » (to Catherine Jurquet, with equal affection)

the second book of the series Hortense au point du jour is dedicated to Catherine Jurquet producer of the TV-Series Marianne, Catherine et Le Gerfaut.

Synopsis : Felicia au soleil chouchant 1987

Felicia in the sun
Text translated by webmaster Linda

The beautiful and wealthy heiress of a family of bankers who died in mysterious circumstances, Hortense de Lauzargues was able to resist the despair that awaited her in her uncle's home and outwit the feudal lord. In the end, fate delivered her from a husband she had married under duress, while her heart and senses called out to Jean de la Nuit, the savage wolf leader she had met in the Lauzargues area. Fleeing a hostile province, she regained her position in the tumultuous, revolutionary Paris of 1830, fought to protect her child and, alongside her old friend Félicia, Countess de Morosini, even defied the powers that be.
As the third instalment of her adventures opens, Hortense's fate seems to be under threat from all sides. Is this the end of a dream? The last act before the conquest of happiness?

~ Juliette Benzoni completed this new Novel 1987 at Saint-Mandé ~

♣ The Literary Award ::

photo © Linda Compagnoni Walther (Saint-Mandé)

In 1988 Juliette Benzoni received the Prix Littéraire « Louis Barthou » Médaille d'Argent de l'Académie Française for : 'Félicia au soleil couchant' 

♣ The France Loisirs Book Club Editions 1987

♣ All the illustrations in the France Loisirs 1987 editions are by Yves Thos [Painter, Illustrator, Poster artist]

The Presse-Pocket Edition1987 & 1992 (with different Covers later on)

The Paperback Editions 1999 & 2001 (with different Covers later on)

Aslo published by Grand livre du Moi 1995

♣ The Integral Edition of The Wolves of Lauzargue  2016 

1st hardcover reissue since 1986-87 by France-Loisirs

♣ A small snippet from the book :

Life was so simple, so organized, so easy at the convent in the rue de Varenne! The fury of the world had beaten against its walls without ever disturbing them. Now, all the demons of the world seemed to have gathered in Hortense's path to torment her.

A beautiful reissue of the 3 titles in 1 volume by France-Loisirs for the series « Les Loups de Lauzargues  » in my humble opinion. Nice font and the book is not too heavy.

♣ In June 2020, Edition Plon decided to publish the three books separately in Kindle form and four months later, the integral of the three titles.

♣ The saga has also been translated in :

One image of each of the Hungarian, Russian and Slovakia Editions.

and the Editions of Germany (first picture is the integral) second image is of the original edition by Edition Schneekluth and last but not least the integral of Ukraine

Hortense au point du Vue

Juliette Benzoni knows how to combine historical truth with human truth, which constitutes authentic... the Author adds the influence of history to a fascinating novelistic theme. She shows how history can affect people's everyday lives, and in this way she achieves both her originality and her human interest.

~Jean-Charles Varenne ~ [ in La Montagne 1985]

« They ask me for a synopsis. I provide it. They sign me a contract. I set to work. Two hundred and forty-seven pages - the publisher telephones me: "Pierre Lazareff has just bought your novel to publish it as a serial. He wants a thousand pages in three months' time. Eight days after Catherine's appearance, it was a triumph ». ℐuliette ℬenzoni

~ Article by V.F ~ [ Jours de France August 1985 ]

Juliette Benzoni has a remarkable ability to blend the extraordinary with the believable... The novelist knows how to draw the reader into the wild world of Jean du la nuit and create a sense of complicity. In its genre and tradition, Juliette Benzoni's novel is a success.

~ Ferny Besson ~ ['Echo de la Bourse 1985]

♥ I really enjoyed the story of Hortense de Lauzarques. Just as in every Juliette Benzoni book, there are unforgettable characters, such as Princess Félicia, Jean de la Nuit or Colonel Duchamp - and then she talks about "Saint-Mandé", that lovely little suburb near Paris where she has lived for so many years.

But above all, the most striking fact for me in this story is that she's writing about the Auvergne again! The name that makes me think forever of Catherine de Montsalvy and then I can imagine The Mountains of Auvergne, or smell the fields of Lavender! I swore to myself that one day I'd go and visit it! Personally, I was very amused by the last passage in this book! Dear Juliette, I love your humour!

♥ In the German translation, the heroine is actually called Napoleone instead of Hortense as in the original French edition! I am never a fan of changing names from a principal character!

♥ In the Aldo Morsoni adventures Juliette hints at the character Princess Felicia Morosini (née Orsini) who we learn was his great-aunt - see the adventures of Aldo Morosini → here


My little Jewels

[ creation © Linda Compagnoni Walther ]

In the first book of the adventures of Aldo Morosini, we learn that Princess Felicia Morosini (née Orsini) was his great-aunt. Juliette writes that in the 'salon de Laques' hangs a large painting by the painter Franz Xaver WINTERHALTER, which inspired me to find a painting by this famous artist where the description of Hortense's best friend might fit... by Linda, webmaster

[ creation © Linda & Frédérique ]

Our idea how Hortense de Lauzargues might have looked like. Once again a painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

[ creation © Hélène Rouillé ]

extract of Jean de la Nuit about the adorable Hortense, created by my dear friend Hélène.Thank you my dear friend.

Dialogue between Hortense and Jean de la Nuit

' Will
I see you again ?
I would love so much to be your friend ! I am so much in need of a friend ! (...)

' I shall be your knight, your servant, please Hortense and you can call me anytime you need me. However, I think I can never be your friend !

' Oh... why ? she said desolate.

He bent so low that his nose almost touched the girl's and he felt the warmth of hi breath on her face.

' Because your eyes are too beautiful !


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