« Magic Box »

So far the page THÉÂTRE had only the names of the plays our dear Claudine had performed. I had in vain searched for photos or facts. I am thrilled to present you now the material Claudine has generously offered to us. Thank you dear Claudine, for these fantastic photos of your career at the Theatre.

Mistral/Linda webmistress

Novembre 2011



by Beaumarchais

Théâtre Populaire des Cevennes

directed by : Jean-Claude Sachot
role :
 « The Countess »

with :

Claudine Ancelot

and many others...




Paris, 1785 (original edition of Mariage of Figaro)


The Marriage of Figaro picks up three years following the end of The Barber of Seville as Figaro is engaged to be married to Suzanne; both characters are among the Count’s staff in his dwelling. In the three years since Figaro helped forge the marriage of the Count and Rosine, he has already grown bored with his marriage and is taking notice of Suzanne. The Count looks to re-engage the act of primae noctis, in which he would consummate the marriage with the bride-to-be prior to Figaro’s honeymoon.

One of the highlights of the play is a monologue of Figaro (Act V, Scene 3), also the longest in the history of French theater, including a passage that sums up perfectly the accumulated grievances against the nobility, embodied by Count Almaviva, a few years before the Revolution:

« No, my lord Count, you won’t have her... you won’t have her. Just because you’re a great nobleman, you think you’re a great genius! Nobility, riches, a title, high positions, that all makes a man so proud! What have you done for such fortune? You went to the trouble of being born, and nothing else. Otherwise, a rather ordinary man; while I, good grief! lost in the obscure crowd, I had to use more skill and planning just to survive than has been put into governing all of Spain for the last hundred years ».


(summary found on the internet)

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