« Claudine Ancelot,
the unforgettable and beautiful Catherine »


Claudine Ancelot
Born: January 31              

French Actress

Comédienne de théâtre

speaks excellent English                           

photo and document provided by Claudine Ancelot



Before Claudine Ancelot became an actress, she was a teacher like her mother. Chance had it, that her uncle, who had some friends in the world of Cinema, took her on a filming set one day and there she met 'Olga Georges-Picot', who played "Catherine" in the movie adaption of 'Catherine Il suffit d'amour' in 1968. Claudine Ancelot in an article of 'France-soir' in 1985:

« Was this role meant for me
? says the actress, chosen from among a hundred candidates. All I know is that when I was fifteen and read Juliette Benzoni's novel, I identified myself completely with the character! Claudine Ancelot » !

As fate would have it, eight years later she was going to play in her first television role, the heroine of the TV adaptation of Juliette Benzon''s 'Catherine', filmed by Dame Marion Sarraut, an acclaimed director, with an extensive television experience. For fourteen months she lived in the 'Middle Ages' and loved every minute of it. The series was a huge success for everyone even if the broadcasting time (1.30 pm!) was very badly chosen, which everyone regretted!

« I did see a hundred girls for the role. I always do my casting alone and I want to meet everyone. I couldn't bear it if someone chose an actor for me. As soon as I saw her in my office, I immediately noticed that she was very available and at ease. In short: she was made for the role ». Marion Sarraut in 1985

... and there followed many more predigious roles on French television for the actress. 

Claudine Ancelot also successfully played "Shakespeare" in the Theatre and other great roles with renowned actors such as: Jean Piat, Jean Marais, Jean Desailly, Claude Giraud... Today, she has retired from acting, but she remembers with emotion those wonderful moments and is touched by the loyalty of her fans - for whom she was simply the most perfect woman to play Catherine de Montsalvy.

Do not miss my extra pages: Filming of Catherine, the Press and Catherine - with many never seen photos and articles. Linda, webmaster

The beautiful Claudine Anceolot has been in numerous  films  and  other production -  link to imdb



Paris, July 2021

A superb photo with our trio: Pierre-Marie Escourrou, Claudine Ancelot, Gérard Chambre and Anne Lefébure (who played Catherine's mother) who attented the funeral of the unforgotten and beloved  Dame Marion Sarraut. I like to send a big thank you to Léa, the daughter of Pierre-Marie Escourrou, who has shared this beautiful photo with me. I am sure Dame Marion, is smiling down at them... Linda, webmaster

Maxim's de Paris
October 31 2016

When old friends meet...

Monday 31 October our Claudine Ancelot (Catherine de Montsalvy) went to see chez Maxim's de Paris
Moi j'aime le Music Hall, the new show of Gérard Chambre, her partner in Catherine, il suffit d'un amour (Jean de Xaintrailles). After the show they did me the great honour to pose for my photo album.
photo copyright Linda Compagnoni Walther

Claudine alias Marianne, symbol of the French Rebuplic

On March 16 1986 a well-known French Newspaper, published this photo with Claudine Ancelot, showing her voting as Marianne. At the same time it announced that three days later the so-far longest French television series would premiere - that is Catherine, One Love is Enough.

This photo is a souvenir from my dear friend Dame Marion Sarraut, director of the Catherine series.
I had the great honor to meet  Dame Marion last May 2016.  She shared with me her A4 book (186 pages !) of her  Revue de Presse
with all articles concerning the TV-Series, photos and annecdotes back in 1985 - 86

The touching words of Claudine to "Les filles des Grands chemins."

Claudine (Catherine) *private message

Dear Linda, 
I am sad. Juliette has had a good life, because she gave a lot of happiness to millions of readers that made them dream... and she was loved in return by wonderful person like you and Frédérique. I am with my whole heart with you two. Please bring my touched and heartfelt and sad thoughts to her family.
I embrace both of you very strongly.

*Claudine Ancelot was present at the  church of Notre Dame de Saint-Mandé to say for the last time au-revoir to our Juliette.


I invite you to  read what Claudine had to say about her role of Catherine in her interview to the Catherine de Montsalvy website.

« I discovered and "devoured" the story of Catherine de Montsalvy at the age of 15 years. At that time a major national journal, published the story as a cliff-hanger, and my mother and I waited anxiously every night, to follow the adventures of Catherine, with eagerness drop by drop.
Subsequently, I bought the books to reread the story in its continuity. Some scenes were left very much on my mind, when I was called to the casting ».
Claudine Ancelot

« at l'Entrepôt - Paris, 2014

Lecture Petites Musiques de Proust
- plus de détails here

Dear friends of the Catherine series.

I like to share with you this unique and precious photo today! A photo I have been sent by none other than my dear friend Claudine Ancelot (Catherine de Montsalvy). We see on this photo united after a long time (over 20 years)
Claudine Ancelot, Gérard Chambre (Xaintrailles), Anne Lefébure (Jacquette Legoix, Catherine's Mother) Catherine Jurquet (producer of the TV-Series Marianne, Catherine and Le Gerfaut) and Dame Marion Sarraut the outstanding woman who was able to direct these series to all our liking! They went together to attend Gérard Chambre's Lecture: 'Petites Musiques de Proust' in Paris.
I like to say thank you so much to all of them smiling into the camera for us to all our delight. Je vous embrasse all of you
and a special kiss to Claudine for the photo..
. Linda, webmaster

Twenty years after... Pari, 2013

photo of Gérard Chambre, Claudine Ancelot and Pierre-Marie Escourrou

The touching Reunions of the trio Gérard Chambre, Claudine Ancelot  and Pierre-Marie Escourrou

December 30, 2011 - Catherine de Montsalvy Award

I am very happy to announce that our CDM AWARD goes to CLaudine ANCELOT. For all the details follow link here...

Maxim's de Paris 2011

Do not miss my report about the Meetingafter more than twenty year between « Catherine and Xaintrailles »
together with my dear friend Frédérique.

Paris, 2011 Cafe-Restaurant 'Angelina'

Paris 6 January, meeting the very first time the beautiful and unforgotten Claudine Ancelot, who gave us such a wonderful CATHERINE.... to know more see here

My very dear Claudine

small image  - click - large image

Let me thank you also publicly  for the trust you offer us - for your adorable words about our passionate work - for giving us the joy to come into contact with us! My best friends know that I have wished for this since the beginning of this wonderful and amazing voyage. Thank you for being the CATHERINE of our dreams :-) We have NEVER forgotten you and never will! You can trust us - we shall also never betray your email address. You have my word of honour.
I want to finish before I get too carried away - I am very touched by your words dearest Claudine.
Very fondly Linda.

Open letter to Claudine before I came into contact with her

Catherine, the longest soap opera ever produced in France
This article dating back to 1985,  translated by Linda, webmaster


I like to express again my immense joy and gratitude to my dear friend Claudine Ancelot, who opened her private "treasure box" to us. Thank you so much Claudine for your generosity and your trust towards us. I shall treat your photos with all the respect and admiration I feel towards you. Linda

info - musique Chopin - Valse - le printemps

to listen to the television Generique, click on the little radio above !


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