info - interview with Isabelle Guiard



Isabelle Guiard has played in many unforgettable memorable productions,here is a link to Wikipedia to do justice to her outstanding work


Isabelle Guiard

Born: 7 February
French actress
singer and composer
appears also on stage
speaks very good English

it is Isabelle herself who sings in
«La Comtesses de Charny»



To the Catherine fans, Isabelle Guiard is remembered as the beautiful young Maid Jeanne d'Arc. Arnaud de Montsalvy was one of her captains, together with Jean de Xaintrailles and La Hire. Catherine and Arnaud tried to save her life at Rouen, but in vain.

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Interview with Isabelle Guiard
Linda's 12 questions

photo de Isabelle Guiard

Thank you once more very much dearest Isabelle, for your gentleness and your friendship to answer my 12 questions. It is always a great honour towards my website to know that all of you have given me your trust! I will never disappoint any of you Linda, webmaster

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« Thank you Linda and Frédérique, you belong now also to us and the enchanting souvenirs of the time of shooting the series....!...! »

We were very touched by this sentence and we like to thank again the adorable Isabelle for spending the afternoon on a rainy day in Spring in Paris with us. Your gentleness towards us is something we shall forever  treasure dearest Isabelle.



I would like to present you my latest report... at the occasion of a phenomenal meeting with Isabelle Guiard and Frédérique in Paris, May 2012

a very delighted webmaster Linda

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I would like to express my great joy and thanks to Isabelle Guiard, for having signed my guest book. Also for sending us a beautiful photo of her own collection. I know it is not a matter of every day, that a well known and beloved star, is sharing a precious moment with a fansite. The humor she showed towards me,for making an almost "unforgivable mistake, is something I shall always treasure. You can believe me, Isabelle Guiard is a great woman with a twinkle in her eyes.☺

merci beaucoup chère Isabelle

Hello everybody!

December 21, 2008 »
You can't imagine how touching it is for us to discover this site! We have participated to this series with great pleasure, and it is thrilling to feel the pleasure you've received from it! My best wishes to all of you.        

Hélène et Béa - chanson par Isabelle Guiard
chante : Hélène et Béa


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